The language of the universe is feelings and emotions, nonetheless before we were born we could speak the language of the universe. We are communicating with the higher intelligence of the universe every single second of our lives, since the second we were born.
The world can only act upon our command, therefor the universe one and only gives us how we ask for through our feelings and emotions. Our hard work and unhappiness is due to our ignorance of this powerful language. When you are unhappy and merely have negative feeling and thoughts, too is all the universe can respond to . The sector fulfills your command and gives you more struggle and unhappiness.
No issue how miserable and unhappy you might think you are, you must stop feeling it, otherwise the universe will just give you more. The planet thinks you desire it. Start communicating properly to the universe and the globe will be able to unquestionably submit you how you really rather want. Stop what you are doing, sit back, decide how you desire, start to live, act, speak and think positively and as if your desires hold already come true, this command plans to be passed into the universe. Your desires are able to be consistent with your feelings and the universe will respond. The universe will be able to not disappoint you, be careful what you feel, you will attract simply more of it.
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